Women's Ministry

We are a community of women whose aim is to grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and to encourage one another in Christian love. We hold special events throughout the year and participate in several local & worldwide missions.
Vision for Women’s Ministry at Oak Grove UMChurch is to unite women in growing their faith in Jesus Christ, through:
Real Relationships · significant and deepening relationships with one another.
Christ-Centered Focus · spiritual encouragement and personal growth. Equipping women to fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.
Missions · meeting the needs of each other in all seasons of our lives, and of those in our church, community and around the world. Pursue disciples for Jesus boldly.
1 Corinthians 12:27 – Now we are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
Any questions or suggestions, please contact Susan Baker
at sbrucebaker@gmail.com or 804-304-0071.

December 2nd Meeting | Christmas Potluck
Check out all these memories!

November 4th Meeting
Speaker Lynn Brunke RN
Healthy Heart Living!
Check out all these resources!

Want to learn CPR? Call 757-312-6132